Sunday, June 28, 2009


Mercy is the gift that keeps on giving......
Love knows when to stop!

By Ben Andrews 06/28/2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"There could Never Be a More Beautiful You"!

God made you just the way your are "There could Never Be a More Beautiful You"! --- Awesome song--- Remember God sees our HEARTS. I've seen some pretty ugly "beautiful" people - Then again -- My heart has see some people that are beautiful beyond words. I've looked into the eyes of those the world has thrown to the curb to see beauty -so true -so real -that unless you too have seen with your "heart eyes" words could not do justice to explain what I've seen there. ---There could never be a more beautiful You. ---

"To The King!" "To The Kingdom!"

Create in me a clean heart, O God

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

clean heart2

I love this prayer by King David. He was searching to know God in a deeper more intimate way.
He was concerned with the inner man the hidden parts. He wanted his heart cleaned and knew that he wasn't able to clean it on his own.

As Christians we spend so much time cleaning up and making the outside look good.
Like a new car - we wash and wax it - we polish the chrome until we can see ourselves in it's reflection.

But what about the heart of the vehicle? So many time we neglect what we can't see or if we were truthful about it - we neglect what we hope others can't see.

I grew up in a church that cared more about how others saw us.
The right length hair - the right clothes - the right talk -
It was all about the outward man.

I have seen many that look great on the outside yet on the inside they are dead.

David was called "a man after God's own heart - why?
David knew the importance of the condition of the heart.
Where the heart is the rest will follow.

David saw, more than ever, what an unclean heart he had, and sadly laments it; but he sees it is not in his own power to amend it, and therefore begs God to create in him a clean heart.

I Samuel 16:1-13 where Samuel anoints David to be the next King of Israel, and God tell him (Samuel)
"Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart"

Paul says of David in Acts 13:22:
A person after God's own heart, who will do everything Gods wants you to do.

I challenge you...
Call on God...
Ask Him to change your heart.

Maybe God will say of you?
He/she was a man/woman after God's own heart.

Anyone can look good on the outside
"but the LORD looks at the heart."

Submitted By: Ben Andrews

“To The King!”

“To The Kingdom!”

Friday, June 26, 2009


When Christians shine - it is because the Glory of the Lord is revealed.

When we glorify ourselves - we eclipse the Light of the Son.

By: Ben Andrews 06/26/2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shall we not with such a Great Salvation

Shall we not with such a Great Salvation - declare it unto the world? Shall we then therefore hold so dear our own satisfaction and lusts that they should not by our sharing be set free? Can we with so seared conscience cleave to that which is temporal – and thereby knowingly obscure the eternal inheritance that we have been so freely given? Are we so fallen a creation - that we can no longer see that by this deception we are worse than the one who is the master of lies? Awake oh fallen warriors – arise from your slumber – cast off the blinders that hide the truth. The deceiver has cloaked the gift that was so freely given. He has placed doubt in the hearts of man - so much so that hatred is fallen on our Beloved while Sin and Death are being lifted as “the way”. There is but one way and that way is Jesus - all other roads lead to death. Not the death of this body only - but eternal death. There is a darkness that has descended upon the earth – the Spirit of the Ages. It cries out for blood - and a sacrifice that cost everything. Do not be deceived. He would have all believe he is the light – but darkness hides in his bowls waiting to be released upon all mankind. Be not fooled – God is not mocked – what-so-ever is sown shall also be reaped.

Written By: Ben Andrews